Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Taking a techie sabbatical.

Given lots of geek projects at the moment and not enough hours in the day to complete them, blogging from your humble scribe will be sporadic at best. So I'm going to leave it to my loyal co-bloggers here at CC HQ to pick up the slack and insult other people as "douchebags."

I'm sure they won't disappoint.


  1. Yahoo!!! Hope you get countless more geek projects, you lousy creep.

  2. My god, that's the worst thing I've ever heard. Imagine wishing professional succes to someone you hate... how awf.. wait.. hang on a second.

    Yep, it's a day that ends in Y, Maria is still as stupid as a sack of hammers.

  3. My god, that's the worst thing I've ever heard. Imagine wishing professional succes to someone you hate...

    She really is precious.

  4. A troll wishing someone well...hmmm...what's wrong with this picture?

    Well, CC, I'm going to miss reading your take of the world known as wingnuttery!

  5. She's a sweetheart for sure. And often the first to post here. Just sayin.
