Friday, October 09, 2009


President Obama has received the Nobel Peace Prize. He hasn't actually done anything but speak in a resonant tone but he's made the gulls feel better about themselves. What the hell, hopes & dreams FTW. I guess I can look forward to Raphelxander's Pulitzer acceptance speech.


  1. I couldn't even be bothered to read about it. An insult to my intelligence and irrelevant to anything as well.

  2. Damn, is the whole determined be sour today?

  3. yeah, ridiculous. Trivializes what should be an acknowledgement of dedication and altruism effectively applied on a global scale.

  4. Damn, is the whole determined be sour today?

    This news is souring. Obama's on the verge of committing 40,000 more troops to Afghanistan, for a war the US cannot win.

  5. Yeah. Like he doesn't have enough problems. Now the right can beat him over the head with this.

  6. Sorry Balb, this is just an insult to the people whose actual commitment to peace is now diminished by a pretty present given to poster boy.

  7. I don't see it that way, Lindsay. I think the Nobel Committee are trying to recognize and provide reinforcement for a policy direction, if not an achievement.

  8. Anonymous12:01 PM

    After gleefully crowing at a certain outing, Raphelxander is decrying lack of privacy and free speech...

    I think that's what he's saying because his post is more like a bunch of big words strung together with little thought or logic...

  9. I guess I just don't see much evidence of there even being a policy direction beyond platitudes. Since when is the Nobel committee giving out prizes to encourage a possible policy shift that might some day occur if we all hope hard enough? The policy isn't there, so this is a reward for the possibility that such policy might one day exist. Meanwhile the folks that did dedicate their lives and place themselves in harms way get to keep on working to create actual hope as opposed to the theoretical stuff.

  10. Hey, it's not the worst Peace Prize selection ever. That would be Kissinger, with Elie Wiesel in 2nd place.

  11. I think the Nobel Committee are trying to recognize and provide reinforcement for a policy direction,

    What policy direction? Escalation?

  12. After the prize was sullied by Yasser Arafat being chosen, why not Obama, it shows the true worth of winning a Nobel Peace Prize.

    Very good post Lindsay, it is sad that you are so bang on in your assessment.

  13. Fuck you to, it still was a good post. I could not agree with you more.

    Lindsay=Wayne lol

  14. You're only agreeing with him because you hate Obama.

    Piss off to your fucking wasteland of a blog, you shit-wit.

  15. Obama won because he whipped out his nuclear launch codes card, proving that Bush and Cheney no longer have it.

    Stripping Bucheney of 10,000 nucular missiles would qualify one for any Peace prize, no?

  16. "Since when is the Nobel committee giving out prizes to encourage a possible policy shift that might some day occur if we all hope hard enough?"

    Umm... wasn't that the reason Gore and the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change got it in 2007?

  17. For Lindsay

    Jimmy Carter won the Peace Prize for signing an agreement with North Korea basically to end North Korea’s Nuclear Proliferation. Funny thing was North Korea had already built a bomb.

  18. Carter brokered a lasting peace between Israel and Egypt, founded Habitat for Humanity, among many other things.

    He's arguably the only American president to ever actually deserve a Nobel Peace Prize.

  19. Jeeziz Wayne, are you truly that stupid? According to the Center for Defense Information fact sheet North Korea would have become capable of producing about one nuclear weapon per year beginning in 2003. That would be the year after Carter received his Nobel laureate.

    Carter's negotiations with Kim Il Sung began in about 1994 and he managed to work an agreement and the grounds for a treaty that froze N. Korea's nuclear programs for close to a decade. It was the aggressively stupid George W. Bush who poisoned the diplomatic well naming the regime part of his axis of evil. It was George the Lesser who collapsed the Agreed Framework setting the stage for North Korea's renewed pursuit of nuclear weapons. And even that occurred after Carter had already received his Nobel.

    What's more, you terminally thick dunderhead, Carter's recognition for the pursuit of peace had a little something to do with the Camp David Accords, SALT ll, the Panama Treaties, brokering what has been a lasting peace between Israel and Egypt (as Kusotarre notes). His life since leaving office has been marked by a continued and diligent advocacy of peace, diplomacy and international cooperation. Perhaps the greatest indication of his success in these areas has been the extent to which the militaristic slaughter junkies on the right despise the man.

    Wayne, please, don't come waddling back here with your satchel full of stupid unless you've actually managed to research something to say. You embarrass the species with your witless bleating.

  20. "Carter's negotiations with Kim Il Sung began in about 1994 and he managed to work an agreement and the grounds for a treaty that froze N. Korea's nuclear programs for close to a decade."

    So how did North Korea produce a nuke between 2002 & 2003, magic? Or were they working away on their nuke program the whole time.

    There was nothing for George W. Bush to colapse, they were working on nukes anyway, he just told the world what North Korea is... evil.

    Carter was a dupe.

  21. Developing the capability and actually producing a weapon are different things Wayne. Carter is a man of honour and integrity. Much of the infrastructure that North Korea would have needed was already in place and sitting idle. As in program frozen for nearly a decade. The Bush stance of aggression and hostility did not begin with the famous quote. american hostility under Bush was one of the excuses N. Korea used to ditch the Agreed Framework and opt out of non-proliferation agreements.

    N. Korea had originated their nuclear weapons program in the 80s. Experts in the filed suspected that prior to Carter's efforts they could have extracted sufficient plutonium from their existing reactors for one or two weapons. Diplomacy kept N. Korea out of the nuclear club for a decade. They started a clandestine nuclear program that became public in 2002 and were able to test a low yield weapon in an underground test in late 2006. That would be 12 years after carter's efforts.

    So what do we have here? A former president who was "duped" by a creepy regime that went back on their word a dozen years after making an agreement -or- a creepy regime that abandoned their prior agreement in response to an american administration that was making broad international threats, had one war raging in asia and was ramping up for a second in the middle east?

    Your initial claim:

    "Jimmy Carter won the Peace Prize for signing an agreement with North Korea basically to end North Korea’s Nuclear Proliferation. Funny thing was North Korea had already built a bomb."

    Is a steaming pile of crap. You lied about the reasoning behind the honour awarded Carter. And there is no proof that N. Korea had a functioning weapon until the first test, less than a megaton, occurred in 2006. That's 4 years after the prize was awarded and 12 years after the agreements that Carter brokered, succeeded in keeping them out of the arms race for a decade.

    "So how did North Korea produce a nuke between 2002 & 2003, magic?"

    They restarted their weapons program at that time, they did not produce a bomb in 2002 or 2003. As noted above, they completed their first successful test in late 2006. That is the first point at which we can say they had a nuclear weapon. Prior to that it was theoretical, regardless of your inept fibs.

    "There was nothing for George W. Bush to colapse, they were working on nukes anyway"

    Bologna. Bush's brinksmanship caused all manner of discord and grief. He even admitted he'd been unwise to make such incendiary remarks. That ignorant tool pissed away the diplomatic efforts of a generation of American statesmen to feel like a tough and swagger onto the world stage. He sowed discord and instability where ever he shot his mouth off.

  22. Thank you Lindsay for taking the time to give me an explanation, and the links.

    The information that I have been reading and hearing is very different from what you have written, even dates are different. Some of my info came from national msm.


    I'm not doubting you....shit.

  23. Oh, piss off, Wayne. We've been down this road before. Let me document the steps:

    1) You show up, spewing rubbish.
    2) People go to extraordinary lengths to correct your appalling misinformation.
    3) After incredible effort, facts actually begin to seep into that thick skull of yours.
    4) You get all contrite and thankful for having your eyes opened to reality, then go away for a while.
    5) Repeat, starting back at step 1).

    It's inevitable with you, Wayne. You are simply not teachable. Never have been, never will be.

    The perfect Blogging Tory.

  24. Oh, look, here's Wayne, mindlessly reproducing whatever's placed in front of him. Tell me, Wayne ... do you ever have an original thought? I'm just curious.

  25. Oh come on, CC. Of course Wayne has had an original thought. Only once, and it withered and died from loneliness and willful neglect.
