Saturday, October 31, 2009

And speaking of defamation ...

... the inimitable Dr. Dawg is on a roll. Apparently, there's lots of people learning the definition of "defamation" these days.

And then there are truly stupid people like this:

"... if someone ever decides to file a suit against me, I will be happy to opt for a prison term and would not spend even a single red cent on lawyers... Now, if only someone could be enticed into suing me."

If you really want to be the target of a defamation lawsuit, Maria, it's actually pretty easy. Just ask Adrian MacNair -- I'm sure he can suggest a couple possibilities.


  1. Mental incompetence as a defence against a defamation suit... who knew?

  2. Man, I wish I could live in prison. Eating and reading. What a life!

    I'd need someone to feed the dog, of course. Oh yeah, and tell the kids to brush their teeth. But yeah, other than that - I'm as free to go to prison as Maria is, Lindsay, you, you, you TALIBAN LOVER!

  3. That does it sooey, I'm calling the civil tort police on you and they're going to throw you in the prison for women who mischaracterize others and are mean also.

  4. Maria - busy trolling for some to please make a comment at her place. Anyone will do. Pleeease...

  5. Ah well, who among us...

    But I think I just had a moment of clarity, if it weren't for being mean and mischaracterizing others, I'd hardly get any enjoyment out of the Internet at all.

    Thanks, Taliban Lindsay! Thanks a lot!

    So, do you think they have Bomb Making for Dummies in prison? I can't find it anywhere in Ottawa.

  6. Burpster: she is on comment moderation. I have posted there, but they get deleted. *sigh*

  7. For some reason she let my post go through.

    Oh, well.

  8. Poor Dodo ... Now if only someone would decide to file a suit against her.

    I'm quite looking forward to "Dodo Can Shank."
