Friday, September 18, 2009

Ah, the irony.

As someone who absolutely deee-lighted in my public exposure sometime back because I'm just a mean, mean person, Suzie All-Caps probably doesn't appreciate the hypocrisy of her own words here:

... sometimes, being nicey-nicey is just being a useful idiot.

Quite right, Suzie. It's nice to see you finally coming around on that score.


BONUS TRACK: Via BCL, we catch wind of the CCCB thinking they're going to be able to cram 10 pounds of raving stupid into a 5-pound bag:

The Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops has scheduled a closed-door session on independent blogs and web sites claiming to be Catholic at its October plenary.

Trying to put a lid back on all that crazy? Good luck with that.

1 comment:

  1. ... sometimes, being nicey-nicey is just being a useful idiot.

    Heh. She probably thinks she's been nice, all along.

    Anyway, bring it, Nitouche.
