Sunday, August 16, 2009

Welcome to the monsters you helped create, Vic.

Blogging Tory Victor Wong attempts to be thoughtful and reasonable, and writes a coherent blog post. At which point, the batshit crazy comes home to roost:

Rather than allow terrorists Khadr back into Canada where he can terrorize our wives and/or grandchildren, our left-plunging CINO Prime Minister must immediately take this pathetically moronic decision of these two terrorists sympathizing judges to the Supreme Court. If the Canadian people where to loose there, the Prime Minister then must be willing to invoke Section 33 (1), the “Not Withstanding” clause, with its mandate to check judicial subversion of legislative and executive powers.

... etc etc shrieking, illiterate idiocy etc etc ...

Congratulations, Vic. Those howling wingnuts and raving racists? They're your creation. Enjoy.


  1. Enh, I thought it was a weasly limp nothing post, anyway.

    But it's funny his batshit crazy commenter thinks his raving incoherence is less scary than terrorism.

    They live among us. Be afraid.

    Oh wait, don't be afraid. They don't come above basement level. Nevermind.


  2. But it's funny his batshit crazy commenter thinks his raving incoherence is less scary than terrorism.

    No kidding. I think it incites terrorism. I know i feel like strapping on a belt of explosives every time I'm exposed to it.
