Tuesday, June 16, 2009

You can smell the urine from here.

Suzie ALL-CAPS wrote a post. She allowed "NAMBLA" Dick Evans to lie about me in the comments section. From back here, I (quite reasonably, I thought) responded thusly:

That comment was summarily deleted. I think we're done here.

: If you're new to the Canadian blogosphere, I hope you're paying close attention, because you'll never see a better example of the hyper-ventilating, hypocritical cowardice of Canada's Right than what you've seen over the last day and a half. The invasion of privacy, the threats of violence, the constant, endless, relentless lying, the absurd rationalizations, the characterization of simple disagreement as "harassment" or "intimidation" or "bullying," and the grotesque, pathetic cowardice as worthless hacks like SUZANNE frantically scrub their comments sections of any attempt at discussion or rebuttal because they have absolutely no interest in facts.

I hope you're all taking notes. Because this is what happens when the masks slip and you finally get to see the creatures hiding behind them. And it's not a pretty sight.


  1. Anonymous3:58 PM

    Well I see that SUZE BIG CUNT ALL CAPS has also deleted my post.

    There is one where Neo "I like to plays with guns" quotes to a UK article about anon bloggers. By his leap of illogic, he thinks that UK laws apply here...
    They are incredibly stupid....

    Now we all now that Suze ALL-CAPS is a some kind of Christian...

    I wonder how many "heil maries" that little fascist will have to recite for being such a lying douche...
    Is it not against their religion?

    I also wonder how the church feels being associated to with her - I mean she loves the company of Richard (I'm sure he get a stiffy looking at Sear catogue) Evans, Neo "I luv's my guns" and associated twat-waffles....

    You'd think that the Church would try to disassociate itself with the dysfunctional - no wonder their membership numbers are down.

    You'd think that the anti-choice fetish fetishers would try to have members that are not raving loons....

    One wonders if SUZE does not flagellate herself to images of abortion on toast and get off on it....

    BTW, why is my catcha "chimp" are you starting on that sciency stuff already?

  2. A vote of confidence for CC. I think you're a very nice man, or woman, or whatever, and I visit your blog to read the articles. Really.

    When the day comes that I give a rat's ass about the feelings of Wingnuttia North, I'll already be in the re-education camp. Maybe we'll share a cabin?!

    Hit them where it hurts.

  3. CC, you want them to be rational after a day of Harper leg humping?

  4. Anybody who was new to the Canadian blogosphere, finding you, Kate, Kinsella, Dawg, et al, would probably dismiss the Canadian blogosphere as a joke.

    Watching you underdeveloped idiots yelling insults back and forth is just embarrassing. It's embarrassing that you're not embarrassed.

  5. That isn't Darrylle, is it?

    Watching you underdeveloped idiots yelling insults back and forth is just embarrassing. It's embarrassing that you're not embarrassed.

    I used to be. But the right wing cunt-o-sphere just kept going and going and going (both here and in the USA, where they're now assassinating people). In that light, embarrassment seems rather effete, don't you think?

    Just be grateful it's just insult for now.

  6. What insults? I, for one, deal in facts. Or constructs. Whatever.

  7. Wait, I'm confused. When were they wearing masks? Did I miss that part? 'Cause it strikes me they've always been pretty much the way they are.

    Which, if you think about it a little, is likely their greatest problem.

  8. I, for one, deal in facts. Or constructs.

    The worst insult of all for right wingers. They're much happier with intellectual dishonesty or passive-aggressive incivility. They don't even seem to recognise it, in fact.

    I should have cottoned on to this "fleecing the rubes" scam long ago. I'd be really rich, famous and indicted by now.

  9. I'm enormously used to dealing with the American wingnutosphere. Been doing it for over six years now. But damned if they ever match the sort of willful, inept, talking-points-spewing lunacy that their Canadian counterparts demonstrate on a daily basis.

    Considering Canada's rep as being relatively reasonable and polite, it's almost impressive.

  10. CC newbie here. I just crawled my way (more of a drunkard's walk really)from PZ Maierzzs' place after getting my fill of creationist bashing (for today) to find a gold mine of Canuckville anti-conservative think alikes. I wish I had known about this place before.

    CC, I've been known to claim howler monkeyhood during the last 7 years because of time spent listening to (read - being corrupted by) The John's, The Richards and The Ron.

    This looks like an ideal place to unlax after pounding my head against the bricks at Kate's SDA.

    Now if you could on occasion slap Gormley and Adler I'd live here.


  11. But damned if they ever match the sort of willful, inept, talking-points-spewing lunacy that their Canadian counterparts demonstrate on a daily basis.

    I've spent years examining (English) right- and left-wing blogs in both countries and I've made a few observations:

    - Canadian right wingers import a lot of their ideas from their American homologues. I'm not sure they actually consider them that worthy or understand the context (cultural, historical, economic) from which they spring, so they're basically reduced to repeating them, to agree uncritically with each other and to complain about how out of touch Canada is.

    - A huge proportion of the readership of Canadian right wing blogs is American. I checked that out a while back. For some of the most popular Canadian right wing blogs, more than 50% (and often much higher) of the hits they get originate in the US. The American readership of Canadian left/liberal blogs, in contrast, is almost too small to measure.

    - Canadian liberal/left blogs don't need American bloggers as a source for many new ideas. Most American liberals are advancing policies that have been in place in Canada (and discussed to death) for quite some time.

  12. "you underdeveloped idiots yelling insults"

    and said without a hint of embarrassment, i'm sure.


  13. Canadian right wingers import a lot of their ideas from their American homologues.

    Ti-guy, as someone who grew up Conservative (I voted Reform the first time I ever voted) and slowly matured towards the left, I can say that probably one of the main reasons Canadian Conservatives import their ideas from Americans is because a number of them would kind of like to BE Americans. I'm not saying that they don't want to be Canadian, but many enjoy the thought of being 51st state, but with the Canadian flag (and not necessarily anything else).

    In the Conservative Evangelical Christian circles I ran in, most of the people wanted an American-style military, health system, welfare system, etc. I'm sure there are a lot of underlying reasons for this, such as the fact that their "style" of Christianity was birthed in the USA, plus they tend to consume large amounts of American media (because Canadian media and art tends to be too "liberal").

    (Uh, oh! I just posted at Canadian Cynic's site - If Neo Conservative sees this I'll never be able to post at Neo's blog ever again!)

  14. "That isn't Darrylle, is it?"

    Kids in the Hall reference!

    Ti-Guy wins the thread.
