Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Musical Notes

[CC here: I'm moving this to the top as I think it's more noteworthy than my pointing out how wankers lie all the time since, well, they do it all the time and Danny Michel doesn't hit town all that often. I just bought my ticket. Come on down. Bring a friend or two. Buy PSA and me a beer. Or three.]

[P.S. And remember, PSA will be selling an exclusive advance of his own material. Bring money. Lots and lots of money.]

PSA here... actually, don't be bringing money for me if you come out, drop a note in my email: as I am not taking any money in advance, just orders or reservations if you will. The first orders have started to roll in (thanks for the multiple Theo!) and we won't deal with the ugly commerce part of things until it is time to ship. Cheers all!

For those of you fortunate enough to live near K-W, I recommend you get your behinds down to the Starlight at 47 King Street North in Waterloo tomorrow... er, later today, that would be Wednesday evening. Whatever. Anyway, I am just returned home from hanging with one of Canada's musical treasures and an old friend of mine from way back, Danny Michel and his new band the Camptown Racers. This isn't a full time band for Dan seeing as some of these cats are kinda busy with success and all that. But it isn't often you get to see a player like Dennis Pendrith in a small venue and yes that is the Dennis Pendrith of Gordon Lightfoot, Bruce Cockburn and Stan Rogers renown, appearing on some 200 recordings in all. Also of note in this lineup is Rob Carli who first played with Dan way back in the Rhinos, Rob is one of the best and busiest composers working in Canadian film and TeeVee and the Gemini award on his mantle would testify to that. Danny knocked 'em dead the other night at Massey Hall in the Neil Young tribute and he's done a number of tours now with Stuart McClean. Here's a wee bit of Danny for you...

Anyway, for an evening of superb musical fun and enjoyment, you won't find a surer bet this side of the three tenors (hi LuLu). The show starts at a reasonable hour for those of you that actually work for a living. And if seeing Danny isn't enough for you (ya spoiled brats) the opener is Halifax native Jenn Grant whose performance was luminous. Her and her sweet sounding Gibson semi-acoustic with a viola and baritone sax backing her up. Here's a taste of Jenn's work...

And to conclude (drumroll please), there will be an exclusive advance on my forthcoming recording of 13 new originals. I'll be pressing a limited edition of the new album with as many bonus tracks from the back catalogue as I can fit on a disc. The new tracks are currently being mastered and I'm sorting through the archives for goodies. This will be a one time deal and the readership here gets first dibs. Once this run is sold, that's it. I'll post a sample or two in the next while and in the mean time, you can reserve a copy in advance by dropping me an email at the address in my profile. Pressing will occur mid-summer and there will be more details soon. Cheers all.


  1. have you considered making the album available on itunes? It will cost you all of a about $20-$40 for a year to sell it as MP3s there.

  2. Starlight? Yeah, I think I can make that.

  3. You suck, you suck, you SUCK.

    I would love to be at that show -- there's just the minor issue of the 6 hour drive and my 8:00 breakfast meeting tomorrow.

    P.S. Feh. I already have a limited edition, unmastered copy of PSA's 13 new originals which will someday be worth millions (they're all fabulous, btw). You may commence dying of jealousy now.

  4. hiya rev, yeah i've considered itunes and may eventually park material there but i find it offensive that they skim as much as they do. it isn't as though they promote or support or contribute to the creative process at all. this initial pressing will be about 70 minutes of music at full quality. basically a vanity project and the album and eventually other tracks will find their way to the web as mp3 later in the summer or early autumn, maybe even at itunes.

  5. *sigh* If Lulu thinks she'd have a long commute to that gig...

    Ah, well. Can't be everywhere. I'd love to have a copy of your album, though, PSA. My big problem is that I don't do any financial stuff online. Can I do it by mail?

  6. chimera, i'll be sure to get you a copy, drop me an email and that goes for anyone else who'd rather not do e-commerce.

  7. One email coming right up!

  8. Chimera, if you're looking for something closer to home you could always come hear one of the bands I play with on Sunday afternoon.

  9. Frank, what is it with musicians and Sundays? That, as it happens, is precisely the day of the week I get to sit in on a session or two, if and when I'm not busy with classes and students and stuff, which is rare.

    *sigh* We really, really need to shuffle the week deck, doncha think? Mondays? Anybody got a Monday?

    WV: bilingl
    Which I am, if percussion counts as a language.

  10. Frank, I can't rearrange my calendar to get to one of your gigs if I don't know where you're giggin'. Can't find your email addy anywhere, either.

  11. Chimera - just noticed this now. Email on it's way to you. Now.

  12. Got it, Frank, tnx. We'll keep in touch.
