Monday, June 29, 2009

Logic, as it is rogered with a stiff wire brush.

Over at the Grope and Flail, commenter "Art Luscombe" makes an attempt at reason regarding Abousfian Abdelrazik, and crashes and burns spectacularly:

Similarly, after waterboarding someone numerous times over many months, we should definitely charge them for water damage to the carpet. It's only fair.


  1. Just when you thought it couldn't get any dumber,...

  2. I saw that. I'm not sure any level of snark is sufficient for that.

  3. nutron star density snark? Or blackhole?

    wv = optictio

    LOL even the wv is getting snarkie

  4. maryT and Hunter...dim and dimmer

  5. You'll go crazy nut-picking from the shrill nonsense that constitutes most em-ess-em commentary. Frankly, I wonder if it ever occurs to the editors and publishers that some people might be turned off by the publication/media product in its entirety when they get the impression that it only appeals to bilious cretins?

  6. I can't even go to Hunter's blog anymore, the stupid is so strong and toxic I can almost feel it oozing through the monitor at me. Bleah!

  7. Meanwhile, neo is back to double deleting. He's in full muslim menace mode over Al Jazeera's recent approval by CRTC. Some commenter moaned when will Fox be available.

    I had the nerve to respond that Fox news has been cleared for distribution in Canada since 2004. Double delete from the halls of hypocrisy, duly noted.

  8. I had the nerve to respond that Fox news has been cleared for distribution in Canada since 2004. Double delete from the halls of hypocrisy, duly noted.

    Serves you and your vulgar facts.

    Neo...doing the Bloggin' Tories proud!

  9. Wow... that's some Patrick Ross level of stupid...

  10. Or maybe after the government shoots and kills someone who's done nothing wrong, their family should be charged for the bullet. Hey, if every brutal dictatorship since the invention of the gun has done it, it can't be a bad idea!
