Friday, June 19, 2009

Just cuz.

Tom Lehrer: Not a douchebag.

Boston. CCfest. For no good reason, I will be in Boston this weekend (God and Air Canada willing). Feel free to recommend a good local microbrewery. Feel free to show up and buy.


  1. I will be in Boston this weekend (God and Air Canada willing)

    I thought some Harpo-fascist had put you on the no-fly list?

    I'm not going to the USA ever again in my entire life. Thank God I got my fill of it when times were better.

  2. There are some great, dark, sleazy pubs in Charelstown, by Bunker Hill and a few really swanky places on the water (near the USS Constitution) depends on the quality of the MILF you are looking for.


  3. A good microbrewery!!!??? Uh, CC:
    You're welcome.

  4. Watch City Brewery on Moody Stret in Waltham. You can run there from Boston. ;)

  5. Tom Leher is made of that most valuable of elements: Antidouchebagium
