Friday, March 13, 2009

It takes him a while, but Obama does the right thing.

Here at CC HQ, we've never been terribly fond of that whole bogus "enemy combatant" thing since it is -- how shall I put this delicately? -- rubbish.

Oh, look. Apparently, the Geneva Conventions still mean something.

Good for him.

AFTERSNARK: Well, it was fun while it lasted.


  1. I still say this guy may be to the right of PMS. Kerry certainly was. Edwards, no.

    Obama ain't no progressive, I say.
    He is marginally to the left of the left outfield @ Dodger Stadium compared to MacCain's right faceoff circle in Shea.

    Did I mention that Palin is not only stupid, she is a genuis compared to her ex (running mate)?

  2. "In a press release, the Justice Department said it was submitting a new standard to hold detainees at Gitmo. Rather than relying on the president's authority as commander-in-chief, the department explained, the new standard "draws on the international laws of war to inform the statutory authority conferred by Congress.""


    mikmik: If I may speak honestly, I don't care if he's a progressive or not, I want him to run the place like he gives a shit about it and about consequences.

  3. I'll settle for intelligent.

  4. True.. it's funny that everyone was like "omg he's so introspective, he's so thinky... " this is bad? Since when.

    Speaking as one of the majority of the world that isn't USian.. we want the POTUS to be introspective and intelligent and to take a wee bit of time to think things out...

    Knee jerk reactions and a huge military and nuclear arsenal don't mix.

  5. I'd add Christian fundamentalism to that, CamCam.

  6. Is Obama a step up from Shrub? Obviously.

    Is Obama the perfect POTUS for progressives? Clearly no.

    I'm still pleased to see an improvement, however.

    wv = presto

  7. Cameron = mikmik: If I may speak honestly, I don't care if he's a progressive or not, I want him to run the place like he gives a shit about it and about consequences.
    Yeah, he is a level of magnitude, or two, more responsible. Thanks for pointing that out.

  8. "It takes him a while"



  9. Did I mention that Palin is not only stupid, she is gorgeous compared to her ex running mate?

    wv = cyoteh: Quintessent PMS cound bite.
