Saturday, March 21, 2009

Duty calls.

Just another day here at CC HQ:

Speaking of, I wonder what Twatsy's up to. Actually, never mind, I'm sorry I asked.


  1. I pretend it's a human right to be wrong on the Internet. It's the only way I can go on to the next blog.

  2. This made me literally laugh out loud

  3. An oldie, but a goodie. The guy who does XKCD is usually quite a bright bulb - which leaves me kind of confused as to his most recent work, which appears to defend the loathed AIG bonuses, or at the very least miss the whole bloody POINT.

  4. After watching Paddybouy get whomped so viscously down at PZ place, which was the best free entertainment I have had for a long time, It may be a while before he comes out again,...

    what am I saying, stoopid is as stoopid does, Paddyboy will be back, next he'll explain physics to Mr. Hawkins

  5. Zorph, did Twaddy ever actually clue in that he was completely and totally smacked down or was he still on the, "ROTFLMAO, you're all so incredibly stupid, LOL!" track?

    I'm betting on the latter.

  6. I have that cartoon taped to the lid of my laptop.
