Sunday, February 22, 2009

It’s not me, it’s you.

Dear Five Feet of Where's my Section 13 Complaint At™:

It’s been ages since we’ve had one of these little chats, hasn't it? To be honest, I’ve had better things to do. But rest assured, your behaviour over the last few weeks, including your hilarious appearance on "The Agenda" has not gone unnoticed.

While there is little doubt in my mind that you are, indeed, a racist (something that appears to be your entire raison d’être), I’ve come to realize something far more compelling where you’re concerned. You’re a sad, pathetic, one-note shriek harpy who’s quickly becoming a caricature.

More importantly, you’re beneath me.

Yours in endlessly superior amusement,


  1. Testify Sister...

    Let her rot in her own vile juices.

  2. When Erich Hoffer wrote:

    "What monstrosities would walk the streets, were some peoples' faces as unfinished as their minds."

    it's hard to believe he'd never even met Shaidle.

  3. She didn't deserve to be smacked down by somebody so considerate and well-informed. What a waste of his time and talent.

  4. Let her rot in her own vile juices.

    There's nothing juicy about that sèche.

  5. Wow. Dr. Robert Buckman sure looked out of his league, eh? And to think, some people didn't want to see Kathy Shaidle's debut on TVO.

  6. I was delighted to see her debut, Sooey.

    Lift up the rock, let the sun shine in, and watch the scorpions shrivel. Loved it.

  7. That wasn't Shaidle's debut on TVO. She's been on several times...probably because she's the only religious shikse Paikin knows.

  8. Do you mean religious as in vegetarian? Or religious as in psychopathic mass murderer?

  9. I visited the site, and for christ sake it's asking for 9.99.

    I at least want something that slices or makes me feel good.

    Or holy salvation at least.

  10. Loved the complete lack of self-awareness when she talked about the "less than attractive face" that Madalyn Murray O'Hair put on atheism.

    Maybe we should all pitch in and buy miss Five-Feet-of-Irony a mirror.

    As I posted here, I think the more public attention that people like Shaidle get, the better. Having her become the "face" of fundie conservatism is a gift that will (in this video-on-demand world) keep on giving.

  11. You’re a sad, pathetic, one-note shriek harpy who’s quickly becoming a caricature.

    Absolutely nonsense! Such words cannot stand! I insist that you remove the vile and offensive characterization "quickly becoming" to more accurately reflect the reality of the situation!

  12. "Wow. Dr. Robert Buckman sure looked out of his league, eh? And to think, some people didn't want to see Kathy Shaidle's debut on TVO."

    Well I for one admitted I was wrong and apologized. I think they should have her on for ridiculing every Friday.
