Tuesday, January 27, 2009

That's what happens when you don't keep an eye on the children.

The National Post has "Bring your kid to work" Day. With amusing results.


  1. Once again, the National Post proves that their barrel has no bottom.


  2. That was pretty pathetic.


    Yes, Raphael, you certainly do.

  3. It's technically worse than the drivel Raphael can dish up (which I didn't read, since he tends to go on so). Doesn't the Full Comment editor Kelly McParland, know that "Raphael Alexander" is a pseudonym?

    Man, The National Post is even less concerned about its credibility and liability than a high school paper. Although with CanWest at 46 cents right now, I can see why.

    Give up renting out the slums already, Lenny and Squiggy and get out while you're still unindicted.

    Related...that cretin Jonathan Kay was on my tax-supported TVO yesterday. Both he and Michael Coren implied that immigrants are contributing to the decline in public civility. Seriously, we're gonna need those camps soon...

  4. So for the price of a National Post I can get TWO stock certificates?

    I may need to rethink my wood stove lighting strategy...

  5. Quoting a show that's all the rage around here...
    "he's a person of limited intelligence and limitless ego..."

  6. rightgreg says in the combox: ... Don't vote conservative? OK vote NDP. Vote Liberal. The deficit numbers would be higher, and money would be spent on items even less likely to benefit the economy, like national daycare, free abortions for all whether you want one or not, free sex changes, (whether you want one or not), turning the oil (sic) sands into parkland etc etc etc

    That bit about turning the tar sands into parkland, he says that as though it's a bad thing?

  7. Wow. So, who do you have to blow to get one of these "Full Comment" gigs anyway?
