Tuesday, December 23, 2008



Um ... whoops, never mind. Carry on.

AFTERSNARK: Ah, the folksy racism and bigotry of "SDA Nation" ... the seething hatred, the homophobia, the drooling, religious wingnuttery ... that's why SDA is, once again, Canada's best conservative blog.

And to think the rest of them are even worse. It purely gives one pause, don't it?


  1. Man, the hatred addicts sure got their fix that day, didn't they?

  2. "In fact when I became Mayor I changed the city logo to: Welcome to Brampton, Fellow Christian Asshole!"

  3. You know, SDA people, there's this neat internet invention called "google" and when you google "winter lights" the VERY FIRST website that comes up is this one: http://www.winterlights.ca/
    which explains the whole program. Too bad no one from SDA knows how to do any research, isn't it.

  4. I call bullshit on that letter from Susan Fennell...a quick peek at wikipedia says that 35.11% of the population is Roman Catholic, not over 60%. Hell 31.7% of the population is South Asian (which seems low to me...I should know, I grew up in that sinkhole ;).

    That the mayor would start every council meeting with The Lord's Prayer? Well again...I find that real hard to swallow.

    Incidentally, the same mouth breathers over at SDA are no doubt the same kind of people who sneeringly refer to Brampton as Bramladesh...

  5. The Lord's Prayer (see sidebar) bit is (or was) legit. I don't know enough about Mayor Fennell to know if those could actually be her words. Certainly when I lived in Brampton, I was astounded that a community with a non-Christian population of over 30% (and growing rapidly) still used the Lord's Prayer at city council meetings.

  6. Neat. As soon as they put the "oopsie, we stepped in it" comment, they closed them.

  7. Why not use the Lord's Prayer, what does it matter, they are just words.

  8. Wayne,

    Why not? Because there's no point to it. None whatsoever. I say this as a practising Roman Catholic...there's no reason why The Lord's Prayer should be said in a council meeting - it's as incongruous as playing the national anthem before movies (remember when they did that? ;)

    But I guess Fennell (she really is a git btw, my cousin played hockey with her kid) sees it as a way to score cheap political points with the barely tolerant anglo community...

    oh and I hope everybody here has a wonderful holiday (whether you celebrate Christmas or no...you still get two days off in the middle of the week - which is pretty rad...Enjoy!)

  9. It looks like Fennell got into the Xmas eggnog a bit early. That last sentence is a bit incoherent. Unless the small dead brains sycophant who posted it left stuff out?

  10. "they are just words."


