Sunday, December 21, 2008

Oh for fuck’s sake ...

Shorter co-dependent whiners CBA organizers NBC Dipper and Saskboy: "Why do girrrrlllllzzz have to be so unreasonable?"

I’m all out of patience with this.


  1. Oh for fuck's sakes. I am all out of patience with the whining. Look at the top 2 placements in the professional bloggers, look at the finalists (one of whom is former winner) of the best business/career blog.

    errr. Chicks.

    Why the interest in self-pigeon-holing beyond me.

  2. Did someone say 'awards'?


    wv ="parode" (a processional parody) ;-)

  3. Sheena, why have an award for politics, or music, or science then? Why not just have the bestest blog of all?

  4. Well that's an easy one. Raymi wins.

  5. For what it's worth, I could personally care less about awards. My point -- which everyone seems to be missing -- is that the organizers have somehow managed to fuck this up in an even more spectacular fashion than they did last year. That takes serious effort.

    And now that they're being called on it, they've decided to play the victim instead of owning their mess. Maybe it's just me but that's not how being a grown-up works.

  6. "Why not just have the bestest blog of all?"

    My head might swell.

    Being godsend is a big enough responsibility.

  7. Absolutely, LuLu, and I don't think I've missed this point. After all, my co-blogger/webmistresses are some of the people who have been tweaking the little passive-aggressive shits.

    And as I mentioned in your earlier post on this a day or so ago... just watch what happens next year, they'll FUBAR it all over again and feel all 'victimised' when called on it. They just. can't. help. themselves.

  8. Wayne, did I rattle my zipper?

  9. It's cool that Best Feminist Blog has the highest profile of all the categories now.

  10. Heh, sooey. Unintended consequences.

  11. I think I'll conduct a covert campaign to exclude JJ next year, too.


  12. Friggin' broads. Probl'y all on the rag. Thank God there's a couple good solid guys around to set'em straight and explain to them why they're wrong.

  13. Ooh, I nominate Balbulican for Best Feminist Commenter for the upcoming 2009 CBAs!

    You ARE a Feminist, though, right?

  14. wv = ingratio

    I believe that Word Verification God just had the last word on this topic.

  15. Sooey: I used to think so. However, Polly Jones just laid down some pretty stringent criteria, and I'm not sure I cut it anymore.
