Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Do as I say, not as I do.

Shorter pro-life mouthbreather extraordinaire "Karol": Now that you’ve made the choice to continue your pregnancy and raise your child alone, you’ve got a fuck of a lot nerve expecting support, understanding and/or sympathy, you dirty slut.

You only wish I was kidding.


  1. Jesus, you really weren't kidding!
    I quit when the very next comment called Antonia "intolerant and hateful."
    Lulu dear, stay away from those people, there's something wrong with them.

  2. Karol (or KK) is a notorious nutjob and best ignored much in the same way as you would avoid eye contact with the obvious psychotic screaming loudly in no particular direction down on the street corner.

    Really. Best ignored. No one pays any attention to him outside of the rightwingnutjob circle jerk.

  3. I've often wondered what the hell the pro-lifers would DO with all of the children born into loveless homes? Wouldn't some sort of widespread state support program be necessary? What do you do with the parents that refuse to raise the child?

    I've also wondered what the punishment would be for having an abortion. Life in prison? Fine?

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. I've also wondered what the punishment would be for having an abortion. Life in prison? Fine?

    That's always the one that trips 'em up - the 'lawn order' types. What penalty do you give the pregnant woman for having an illegal abortion?

  6. What penalty do you give the pregnant woman for having an illegal abortion?
    It's always death. For someone.

    Presumably one of the "sidewalk counselors" who currently hang out near abortion clinics will be a jailhouse counselor and can get to her and explain the "choice". Continue to prattle about your right to your own body, and your precious body will experience being executed by the State. Since you killed your kid, you don't need to be kept around to raise said kid. And as a murderer, you would find yourself branded as unfit and not needed if you already have other live kids. The alternative is to see the light, claim to be a victim of the evil doctor, finger said doctor and attend said doctor's execution by the State.

    There is also a place for Ken's abortion trauma group in this. Should the counselor fail, Ken will be there to provide rape services to serve as a warning to others. On the other hand, acting like a victim will require evidence of a victim personality, and again Ken will need to be pleased by her, so that he can corroborate her testimony of being a victim.

    The anti-choicers are typically pro-death in everything related to people after they are born.

  7. "I've often wondered what the hell the pro-lifers would DO with all of the children born into loveless homes?

    They wouldn't be born into homes, loveless or otherwise. Women seeking abortions would be immediately incarcerated until delivery. The babies would be transported to some kind of Jesus Camp where they'd be raised, indoctrinated and get military training. At 18 they'd be put in the army as an elite force of Christian Soldiers, and deployed to hot war zones all over the world to relieve the over-stressed regular army.

    I wish I was kidding.

  8. So, these kids would be janissaries.

    Better not mention that idea was created by the Ottoman Turks, who were Muslim.

    The horror at stealing an idea from Islam would probably make their good Christian heads explode.
