Friday, November 28, 2008

The lies of Stephen Harper.

Stephen Harper lies to Canada:

Pointing out that the Conservatives received a renewed minority mandate last month to guide the country through the worst financial crisis in decades, ...

Um, no, Stephen. Canadians could not possibly have voted for you to "guide the country through the worst financial crisis in decades" simply because, leading up to the election, you were assuring us that "The Canadian economy's fundamentals are solid." Ergo, you cannot possibly claim that your election is based on Canadians' wishes that you be the one to save us from the economic meltdown that you were denying existed for us.

See how that works? Lying, fucking douchebag.


  1. Well, it's what he meant, if not what he said.

  2. Man, he's been reduced to raving.


  3. Many stupid people believe him. Stupid, stupid, blogging tory, stupid stupid people.

  4. He wants to bankrupt the federal government.

  5. He's going to do to Canada, what Chimpy McFlightsuit did to the US. Take a surplus that was left to you, and turn it into the biggest F*ing deficit you can. Then blame someone else. "How could I have known?"

  6. Anonymous10:20 AM

    On a local level, not a single mention about economic issues from Con incumbent Colin Mayes as 300 jobs vanish in a small community as a manufacturer closes. Not a god damn word or offer of support. Had to embarrass him at a public forum to notice the economic disaster facing his community. Still hasn't owned up to it. Bastard.

  7. A "minority mandate"?

    Wow--Conservative Newspeak.
