Saturday, November 29, 2008

Kill him. Kill him dead.

Then piss on the corpse.


  1. Back at school, there was a time when we we had to vote to make the student paper fees refundable. Then next semester we all asked for our refund. All to oust the "anti imperialist alliance" who had taken over the student paper, and then made new rules that anyone nominated to the editorial board had to be approved by the same board, which was controlled by the "AIA". So they owned it while we funded it.

    Despite all the shrieking and howling from the cabal running said paper, I mainly recall the absolute silence from all of us voting and later when getting refunds. Just a job that needed to be done and long overdue. We'd simply had enough and it wasn't even fun to bicker with them anymore.

    I see Harper screeching and playing every trick in the Rove book, while the Coalition of the Real Adults, calmly and with little response to Steve's harpy chorus, finally sends the CPC packing.

  2. Easy big fella, lets ease back the throttle and watch the "kill'em" rhetoric, that is Small Dead Roadkill territory. I know it sounds like concern trollery, but I can just picture certain no-brained NAMBLA-linking bloggers calling the mounties to claim you've threatened the PM's life and demanding an investigation. Not that they wouldn't probably laugh at him, but why give them something to babble hysterically about?

    And besides I wouldn't piss on Ol' Dead Eyes if he was on fire.

  3. Liberal supporter, that wouldn't have been The Chevron by any chance would it?
    I remember writing for the Imprint, way way back when.
