Monday, November 24, 2008

Dear Paul: Generalize much?

Um ... yeah:

The other day I wrote about leftist zealots, better known as university professors, ...

What a coincidence, Paul. Just the other day, I wrote about shrieky, ignorant, mouth-breathing scientific illiterates and hypocritical troglodyte buttfuck retards, better known as Blogging Tories.

What are the odds?

P.S. You'll note that Paul's original spelling as shown in the link is "proffessor." I'm thinking that someone who can't even spell the word probably doesn't have the moral high ground to be criticizing them.

But that's just me.


  1. I suspect people like Paul get these impressions because they've probably never set foot on a university campus and get all their information from reading American wingnuts. Or they're people like the traumatised Mike Brock who thinks every shrieky campus blowhard represents "The Left."

    Anyway, these anti-intellectuals need to rounded up and gassed, etc. etc. Look what they've done to our economy? They're bankrupting us.

  2. ...such an elitist, you can spell professor...

  3. I've set foot on a major Big Ten University campus or two. One one such campus, they have a group styled "Young Americans for Freedom" which has distinguished itself with "illegal alien days," during which days its members attempt to identify illegal aliens on campus, though without taking any actual actions against them, because such actions would be against the group's policy.

    Being the kind of public spirited American that I am, and in an effort to help the YAF, I appealed through the comments sections to a number of BT's for help in how young Americans, interested in freedom, could identify illegal Canadian aliens, since frostbacks are harder to differentiate from Americans than wetbacks. No luck. But that's another issue.

    Please Ti-Guy, do not try to tell me there are no conservatives on any university campus. It's not just the engineering and finance schools either. Conservatives are as hardy a breed as roaches.

    Long Live Sarah Palin.

  4. I'm wondering what American Thinker (dude quoted by Paul) is implying when he says Mein Kampus. Is he or she comparing their struggle against apparently radical leftwing professors to Hitler's wee little Kampf, because it hardly seems the profs are struggling in ATs little rant?

  5. Why are these people so intent on wearing their ignorance and/or lack of education like a badge of honour?
