Thursday, November 27, 2008

Dear dumbfucks: Elections have consequences.

Via JJ, we learn that LifeShitNews is all bent out of shape:

As the media continues to leak real and projected appointments to Mr. Obama’s future administration, the emerging pattern is clear: most of the appointments with any voting or lobbying history represent the extreme end of the pro-abortion movement.

Following is a list of Obama appointments so far who have a track record of opposing the pro-life movement and actively promoting the anti-life ca

To which one can properly respond -- too fucking bad. It's called "winning the election," and when that happens, you get to appoint who you want.

The anti-choice assholes had no problem with George, the Wonder Spaniel, appointing total mouth-breathers to high-level positions, so it's a bit hypocritical for them to be whining and kvetching about that sort of thing now.

You dipshits had your asses handed to you on a plate, so shut up and fuck off. When you win an election, you can run things your way. Until then, piss off.


  1. LOL.. hey, when you're right.. you're right..

    Oh, speaking of consequences of losing an election.. will be interesting to see if the Libs and the NDP oppose the proposed chop on political party funding.. sort of fucked if they do, fucked if they don't.

  2. There's a pro-abortion movement?

  3. "To which one can properly respond -- too fucking bad. It's called "winning the election," and when that happens, you get to appoint who you want."

    Exactly. And they did. And we all see how far into shit that got us.

    "Pro-abortion" *snort* That just shows how stupid they are. Imagine a pro-abortion movement... It's the makings of some seriously awesome satire. :)

  4. You have to be impressed at the level of cognitive dissonance, considering these fundamentalist freaks were as responsible as anyone for the GOP's implosion and the resulting Obama administration.

    Pass the Schadenfreude Cake.
