Friday, November 21, 2008

Apparently, we on the Left are fucking idiots.

While we on the Left are busy pissing ourselves hysterically over Sarah Palin's Les Nessman moment, commenter "liberal supporter" brings us the latest imbecilic wingnut talking point:

They're busily spinning turkeygate as "you latte liberals don't even know where your food comes from".

Oh, come on ... even conservatives aren't so buttfuck retarded as to try to spin it like that. I mean, that's just too unspeakably stupid for ... for ... um:

Is there anyone on the left not a complete imbecile? I mean really. Seriously?

Just what do they think happens before the damn bird ends up on their fricken plate???

Posted by: Warwick at November 21, 2008 2:46 PM

Mercifully, SDA commenter Warwick is the only wingnut so horrifically brain-damaged as to try to pass off that bit of stupidity as reality ... oh, crap:

Well put Warwick! That is pretty mild compared to prime time telly. I don't get the outrage.

Posted by: Gus at November 21, 2008 3:05 PM

Can we just gas the lot of them? Really.

, you have to steel yourself and read the comments at Kate's place, they're priceless beyond words. If there is a God, and he is merciful and just, there will be a special place in Hell reserved for Blogging Tory co-founder Stephen Taylor for inflicting that lot of screeching zombies on the rest of us.

, indeedy.


  1. "I don't get the outrage."

    there was outrage? why didn't anyone call me?!


  2. No outrage.

    The "left" got that the intended audience was the sports channels demographic. It was a mildly disturbing interview and yet so appropriate.

  3. Can we just gas the lot of them?

    I'd suggest chopping off their heads like a turkey, but obviously somebody's already done that.

  4. "Well put Warwick! That is pretty mild compared to prime time telly."

    then again, where do you think babies come from?


  5. Didn't any of Teh Wingnuts notice the Governator drinking A LATTE!!1!!11!!!OMG

  6. I could have predicted that one in my sleep.
