Sunday, October 26, 2008

The world's most gullible blogger strikes again.

Blogging Tory Jonathan Strong once again embarrasses his species, and pretty much all multi-celled organisms in general:

Biden Gets First Tough Interview of the Campaign

Finally some tough questions, and Joe "Gaffe Machine" Biden can't handle it.

Yes, Jonathan. Say, I'm curious ... where do you think that reporter got such hysterically asinine dumbass questions, anyway? Oh ...

Orlando TV "Journalist" Barbara West's Husband is a GOP Media Consultant

Joe Biden got asked some questions from Orlando WFTV reporter Barbara West on Thursday that where [sic] completely false...

Well it turns out that her husband, Wade West, is a political and media consultant for Republican politicians. The GOP talking points Barbara West used in her interview may have come directly from the McCain Palin communications team via her husband Wade.

In other news, Jonathan Strong is a total fucking idiot. Oh, wait ... that's not really news.

Stephen Taylor's Blogging Tories: Because even the intellectual dregs of society deserve to have a social club.

AFTERSNARK: As I've already pointed out, that insufferable twatwaffle West is getting her head handed to her by numerous folks. None of this will matter to Jonathan, because he's an idiot.


  1. Stephen Taylor's Blogging Tories: Because even the intellectual dregs of society deserve to have a social club.

    I'm afraid I have to take issue with this. Socialization requires some degree of cognitive awareness.

  2. Finally some tough questions, and Joe "Gaffe Machine" Biden can't handle it...

    Yeah, right. He really looked like he couldn't handle those "tough" questions.

    With every new lie, the Christian hurtles ever closer towards the innermost circle of Hell.

  3. When the "Dipstick with Lipstick" (no, not guliani) goes on Olberman or Maddow then we can talk about tough interviews. :)

  4. Personally, I'd like to put them in front of a panel of Rex Murphy and Rick Mercer. One to skewer the logic, the other to mock them.

  5. "If you don't think there is any evidence of Obama being a socialist, you're living under a rock.

    Look at OBama's previous membership in the New Party and his chat with joe the Plumber. That's all the evidence you need."

    insufferably stupid.


  6. Priceless. Best laugh I've had all day was running across this.
