Saturday, September 27, 2008

What Obama should have said.

"Ladies and gentlemen, several times this evening, my opponent has criticized me for lack of 'experience.' And you know what? He has a point. Because, when it comes to this election and the consequences it could have for this country, experience is vital. Given the current international political situation, I think it's safe to say that nothing -- absolutely nothing -- matters more than experience.

"And that's why, when it came to choosing a running mate, that's exactly what I took into account. When it came to choosing a running mate, I thought about it long and hard, and finally chose Joe Biden. A man with years of experience in the Senate. And a man who is currently Chairman of the Senate Committee on Foreign Relations. Because experience mattered to me. And that's why I asked Joe Biden to run with me.

"And as for John McCain, who keeps belittling my lack of 'experience?' Apparently, he thought about it long and hard as well. And when the time came, who did he pick as a running mate, who should be prepared to step in on a moment's notice and take over? A 45-year-old, self-described 'hockey mom' from Alaska. Someone with no foreign relations experience whatsoever. Someone who only got her passport two years ago. Someone who thinks she has foreign policy experience because Alaska is across the sea from Russia. Someone who still thinks Iraq had something to do with 9/11. Someone who didn't know what the 'Bush Doctrine' was. Someone who wasn't even aware that we have already committed to a fixed date for a withdrawal from Iraq! And someone who even his Republican colleagues have openly admitted is hopelessly unqualified for the post of vice-president, much less president.

"Senator McCain wants to stand up here and lecture me about the necessity for 'experience,' yet his choice for a vice-presidential running mate makes a joke of that. I understand why experience matters, and that's why Joe Biden is on my team. And let me tell you, Senator, when it comes to having experience in my administration, I don't need to make any apologies to anyone on that score. Can you say the same?"


  1. I wonder if the Democrats can manage to blow this thing?

  2. I don't about the Democrats, but the American people themselves can probably manage it.

  3. I missed that part. I had to turn it off because I couldn't listen to McCain say "Fear!Iraq!Terrorists!Fear!Vietnam!Vietnam!" every time Obama spoke.

  4. It's at that point I stopped watching as well.

  5. Maybe he's saving the really good stuff for October 8th ;)
