Monday, September 22, 2008


Christmas comes early to Wall Street.

JUST FYI ... $1.8 trillion. Try to wrap your head around criminal incompetence of that scope.

JESUS FUCKING CHRIST! I know I should be concentrating on the upcoming Canadian election but, really, this is such an indescribable train wreck.

DON'T MAKE CHESTER ANGRY. You wouldn't like him when he's angry.


  1. Let.Them.Fail.

    All of them.

    Oh, and next time some mouth breathing Conservative bitches about welfare moms getting $500 a month and living in Regent Park, we can tell them to fuck right off.

  2. I wish you Canadians would stop calling this "socialism." It makes Americans feel bad. Let's call it "national capitalism."

  3. Anonymous1:31 PM

    A number I was having trouble wrapping my head around (how many 0's are there in a trillion anyway?) until some helpful soul on CFRA worked it out as "enough money to run the city of Ottawa for the next 350 years".

  4. stageleft —

    — you're not the only one having trouble with the zeroes. See

  5. Let's call it "national capitalism."

    Let's call it what it is: kleptocracy.

  6. See, when you have that much money around you, it's impossible for you to even locate your boot straps....

  7. "Mommy? Why is the President foreclosing on our house?"

  8. "Well, honey, it's because someone who made $20 million for nine months of work doesn't think he's getting enough money for running his company into the ground. Don't worry, you'll understand it all when you're older."

  9. After which mommy quickly adds "*snort* What am saying?..Older. At this rate, you'll be lucky you don't have rickets by next year."

  10. "Now go help your sistermom Bristol roll joints for your unclecousin Levi."
