Wednesday, August 27, 2008

When really stupid Blogging Tories blog.

Dear Michael:

The Canadian Cynic Really Hates Me!

It seems like The Canadian Cynic really hates me! First, The Canadian Cynic incorrectly wrote that I have compared Stephen Harper's Prime Ministerial career with that of Richard Nixon.

That wasn't me, Michael, that was LuLu. And I don't waste good venom on someone who's too fucking stupid to read the author's name at the bottom of a blog post.

Buh bye.


  1. Cut him some slack. He's year out of high school.

  2. I was referring to your stupid blog! If you don't want to get blamed for other's content, don't let them post on your dam blog, jerk!

  3. ti-guy:

    If he's old enough (and dumb enough) to get a membership in the Blogging Tories, then he's old enough to blog like a grown-up and take the time to figure out who wrote a freakin' blog post.

    And until he demonstrates the maturity to appreciate why that's important, I have better places to spend my time.

  4. If he's old enough (and dumb enough) to get a membership in the Blogging Tories, then he's old enough to blog like a grown-up

    Even the oldest Blogging Tory doesn't blog like a grown up. And look who's rushing to comfort him? Creepy arrested-development case studies like Joanne and Roy Eappen.

  5. He reminds of Cherniak.

  6. I guess it's not swearing if you drop the "n" huh? What a twerp. As for Jabba the Roy, what a thrill it must be to have that mudfortunate sack of parrot droppings rushing to your aid.

  7. I could go full-metal Jan Brady over this "It's always CC, CC, CC!!1!!!1!!!1111!! Why doesn't anyone ever pay attention to me?" ... but that's something a Blogging Tory would do.

  8. He reminds of Cherniak.

    Oh gawd, she's bored again.

  9. I thought it was pretty funny [because it's true!!] actually.
