Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Um ... WTF?

What an interesting development:

Cindy McCain Heading to Republic of Georgia

Updated 4:27 p.m.
By Michael D. Shear

SACRAMENTO -- Cindy McCain, wife of Sen. John McCain, is headed to the Republic of Georgia, where tensions between the government and Russia have sparked international concern and have become an issue on the presidential campaign trail...

McCain spokeswoman Jill Hazelbaker confirmed Cindy McCain is enroute to the nation and said she is visiting as part of the World Food Program. She said she will meet with Georgian President Mikheil Saakashvili and visit with wounded Georgian soldiers.

I'm guessing that the same folks who could never stop shrieking about Hillary Clinton getting involved in Bill's work will have no problem in having someone who isn't even president sending his wife into a politically-charged part of the world out of sheer political opportunism. Because, you know, that's different.



  1. Maybe McCain is going to keep sending his wife into dangerous situations, hoping to run as the "widow" candidate. With the McCain-gasms the media already have, can you imagine how bad it would be if there was an accident - and it could be blamed on the Russians? Next trip for his wife - Afghanistan. Then Iraq. Then North Korea.

    Too cynical to believe? If anything would get the media to not pay attention to the Democratic convention....

  2. Can this spectacle get any worse?

  3. Uh...yes?

    Really, Ti-Guy. Your inner optimist came out there for a moment, blinking in disbelief. Would have thought that daemon was pounded flat long ago.

    Between now and November...and frankly, even after, I predict some doozy 'worsers' being launched by the incumbent power. The specifics elude me because every time I think of something, they go ten better down the rabbit hole.

    What will be stinkier is the greek chorus of barking in approval done by people up here who aren't Americans, but wish they could be invaded so they could throw flowers and candy.

  4. Ti-Guy: Wait until "the wives" have to come up with their favourite chocolate chip cookie recipe.

  5. Would have thought that daemon was pounded flat long ago.

    Believe it or not, I am actually an optimist. It's just that I expect things to get much worse before they get better.

    What depresses me most is the lack of thoughtful criticism of this type of thing in the mainstream media. Seems the only real critique Americans can handle has to be done through cartoons like the Simpsons and Family Guy and fake news shows. Otherwise, it's...too upsetting for the poor dears, apparently.

    Wait until "the wives" have to come up with their favourite chocolate chip cookie recipe.

    I thought they had already done this. Cindy stole her recipe from a bag of Nestlé's chocolate chips and Michelle's chocolate macaroons featured "beaten whites."

  6. Maybe McCain is going to keep sending his wife into dangerous situations, hoping to run as the "widow" candidate.

    Why, is there an even richer woman he could marry? I agree it's his M.O. but his options have got to be limited by now.

  7. Anonymous4:27 PM

    If you do a search, you'll find that going to places like Georgia is what she's does as part of her charitable works, and has been for years and years.

  8. Yes, KC, and the fact that she felt the compelling urge to visit an active war zone at the very time the Dems are holding their national convention is just the most outrageously fortuitous of coincidences, is it?

    I'll ask it again -- do you folks ever actually listen to yourselves?

  9. Maybe it's to scare the Russians?

    Dog knows she scares me.

  10. She knows that's not where Atlanta is, right?
