Thursday, August 28, 2008

Seriously black humour.

Stop it, Tony! You're killing me! No, really, Tony, some of us are dying here.


  1. Tony is better than the one who lists Big Daddy's accomplishments.

  2. When is KKKate going to inform us that Listeria is just a natural part of Listerine? Instead of posting a picture of a thermometer, she could post her teeth in a glass.

  3. Now that's funny.

  4. I think Two-Tier Tony's waiting for the death toll to rise to 28 which will represent the number of people who rallied to his cause and won Parry Sound-Muskoka for him.

    ...or something. That comment needs a little work.

  5. you guys don't get it. Tony Clement is completely focused on saving federal tax dollars by closing safe injection sites. That is what he should be doing as directed by god. Please don't try and distract him with inane issues like tainted food products. Please.

  6. Good Christ, what fuckheads. I simply don't believe what I'm reading these days. He really said that?

    Reminds me of Cretin: "For me, pepper, I put it on my plate." Hyuck. One nose-picking hillbilly is enough for my lifetime. And now we have a Cabinet full of 'em.

    Gimme a stiff drink, please.

  7. Tell Mr. Morden, I mean Mr. Clement that the people who died were all Conservative voters.

    Then he'll care.

    Maybe. Lots more where they came from.
