Monday, August 25, 2008

Breaking news! Ezra Levant is Jewish!

Shorter Ezra: "Jew Jew Jew Jewy Jewishness Jewry and Jewy Jewy Jew. Oh, did I mention Jew? Send money."


  1. Canada's Official Jews?....

  2. In 1994, I had no idea where anti-Jewish censorship would come from...

    What does "anti-Jewish" censorship even mean?

    Ezra's egregiously dishonest fabrications are usually coherent at least, but this one has me stymied.

  3. What does "anti-Jewish" censorship even mean?

    In Ezra's world, censorship is anytime he's told to hold his tongue in check.

  4. In Ezra's world, censorship is anytime he's told to hold his tongue in check.

    Which, as far as I can tell, has never happened. The man never shuts up; he's published a book, a magazine, has written columns in newspapers and gets to go on teevee all the time and vilify and defame and blather, blather, blather...

    He is the least censored person I can think of.

    ...and I'd go over to his blog and tell him that myself, but the censorious putz doesn't let dissenting commentary past moderation.

    What a fucking piece of work...

  5. ...and I'd go over to his blog and tell him that myself, but the censorious putz doesn't let dissenting commentary past moderation.

    How typically neoCon of him.

  6. There is some definite irony in someone who just never shuts up about how horribly he's being censored, isn't there?

  7. Oh, he's aware of the irony. He just knows what works when it comes to gulling the rubes.

    The neocons all have a delicious sense of irony; that's why they're smirking all the time.
