Monday, July 21, 2008

Ends, loose and otherwise.

Almost packed and ready to roll, so let's hop in the wayback machine ever so briefly ... remember Sheriff Joe Arpaio? Yeah, he was a real sweetheart, wasn't he? And who -- I ask you, who -- would be so classless as to worship this murderous thug from afar?

Like you had to ask.

Canada's Blogging Tories: Because someone has to stand up for police brutality. And beating the mentally handicapped to death.


  1. You really shouldn't encourage that depraved loser. He just loves the attention.

  2. To be fair, beating the mentally handicapped to death saves so much money it's not even funny.

  3. i'm pretty sure hallsofanemia, via cc, is where i first learned of smokin' joe, so no surprise here.


  4. Who else that we know is a Republican from Arizona? And doesn't seem to see anything wrong with Sweet Joe?

    But he's against torturing prisoners of war, as long as they're regular soldiers and sailors and not unlawful enemy combatants.

  5. It's comforting to know that Joe only considers some people subhuman...

  6. If I were Sheriff I would have my mentally ill inmates play Taser Tag, it would be a heap or fun and laughs. Puts a whole new meaning to "those flipping inmates".

  7. Oh, I wonder if any of the inmates are pinkos hahahahahaha.....etc.

  8. you're so provocative, wayne! i've got goose flesh!


  9. Snerk. Looks like I got under MacadamiaNut's skin.

    That's a nice way to start the day. :)
