Saturday, July 26, 2008

"The bloggers? Yeah, that's the table with all the hot chicks."

And a good and Blogging Tory bitch-slapping time was had by all last night with half a dozen of us congregating for beer, wine and various unidentifiable, deep-fried, greasy things in downtown Ottawa.

The hot chick component was ably represented by the irrepressible LuLu, deBeauxOs from Birth Pangs and Sooey from, while Dr. Dawg, Sooey's partner in crime and myself did our best to lower the sophistication level as much as possible. *Belch*. *Grunt*.

It's a guy thing. Deal with it.


  1. Steamingly jealous. I get very homesick for Ottawa sometimes especially the blogging retards crowd.

  2. "blogging retards?"

  3. I believe Sheena used to live in Ottawa. Around here, that's apparently a term of endearment.

  4. It's where the nation sends their best.

  5. Sorry I missed you guys, but when I got home all excited and raring to go, I was informed by the boss that she had cared for our sick, screaming 2 1/2 year old all day and now it was my turn.

    She then went to the neighbours and had pina coladas until about 9:00 pm.

    So, as we blogging retards from Ottawa sometimes say, a la prochain.

    Keep me on the list, I'll make it out one of these times.

  6. eye roll...
    Sooey is my blogmother, so you can blame her for unleashing Sheena on the innerdnets.

  7. Every so often I wish I lived in Ottawa.

    Oh well, I'll have to make do with drinking with my own set of reprobates this Friday.

  8. Anonymous8:38 PM

    Awh man.... Sooey was there and I wasn't?

    My son put in a rare Ottawa appearance last evening so I was doing the family thing - next time.
