Sunday, June 22, 2008

Them's fightin' words, Lance.

Over at SDA, guest blogger Lance stands there stamping his little feet:

... This, MR. Dion, is your plan. This is your "legacy", your "remembrance". NEP II. I'll tell you right now that we won't take this. We won't take a second edition NEP. We won't allow our Province's wealth being Shafted to the east. We will not tolerate a federal incursion into our jurisdiction. You can lament our 2% (Canadian GHG contribution) all you want, but it will not fly. It will not pass and you will not win.

I know my neighbours. I know the people in my Province. We will not allow another Easterner to kill us at the moment of our prosperity . . . again.

And if anyone should know about getting thoroughly fucked over by those sleazy, lying Eastern bastards, it's folks from Saskatchewan.

I'm sorry, Lance ... was that reminder just a little awkward?


  1. I know the people in my Province. We will not allow another Easterner to kill us at the moment of our prosperity . . . again.

    Quite the flourish. He and Daisy Mae should start up a community theatre group in Delisle.

    ...Jesus, that place. I say we roll in a couple of cans of C-20 and nerve gas the whole fucking nest. Or take off and nuke the site from orbit. It's the only way to be sure...

  2. Lance's little temper tantrum is sooo funny! Good on you for showing him how stupid Sask-a-Tories are!

    There is an angry self-righteousness that I hear in his voice and Harper's! These right wing bastards are so full of their own crap their frustration level goes off the rails when any facts or other opinion is introduced into the debate!

    Great post!


    Either Lance is a huge shareholder in Gas & Oil companies or he and Kate own a bunch of oil wells! Listen to the words he uses in his rant ....

    -" 'we' won't take this."
    -" 'We' won't allow our Province's wealth ... (blah blah blah)"
    -" ... a federal incursion into 'our' jurisdiction."
    -" 'We' will not allow another Easterner to kill 'us' ... "

    This is part of the frenzy that the Reformens (and Saskatchewan Party) Rightists have worked themselves into! They have this self righteous belief structure that is so evident in their anger and frustration.

    Idiots! Each and every one of them!!!

  4. That wacky Lance.

    Anyway, a few of us from Toronto, just a bunch of my friends and I, are going out to Alberta and Saskatchewan tomorrow to take all of their oil and wealth.

    Who's in?

  5. Idiots? It is entirely your fault we have had to put up with 13 years of socialist rot.Give Harper a majority quick or pay the price. Ontario has to learn French.

  6. Heh. Alberta and Saskatchewan?

    That's back east.

  7. Dillon,

    Harper is from Ontario. Toronto in fact.

    Yeah, the fucking Eastern bastards. Anyone beside MoS and I remember Ontario having to pay extra fro gas in the 70's in order to subsidize the Alberta Oil industry?

    No I bet not.

  8. Mike, Noone remembers because it never happened. Railroads, pipelines,Wheat Board all used to subsidize Ontario.

    By the way ,your gasoline doesn"t come from Alberta oil so it would be hard to charge more in Ontario than in Alberta.

    Just remember. Interference in the market place like a carbon tax can have unintended consequences.

  9. Railroads, pipelines,Wheat Board all used to subsidize Ontario.

    What the hell?

  10. "By the way ,your gasoline doesn"t come from Alberta oil so it would be hard to charge more in Ontario than in Alberta."

    Duh... it did during the 70's. We stopped getting Alberta oil in the 80s' when Peter Lougheed cut off shipments to the rest of Canada.

    Before that, we got Alberta oil and until the late 70's, paid a premium for it.

    Idiot. Learn to read.
