Thursday, May 29, 2008

If you look closely, you can notice the difference.

On the one hand, you have some insightful questions and political punditry. On the other hand, well, you have "Opie" from "Family Guy."

Try not to confuse the two.


  1. I'm guessing the scenario is that Opie married his sister and the result is Hunter.

  2. She posts those videos with the most retarded commentary plastered all over them. Apparently, she has to point out the parts that are supposed to be "funny" and spell it out in painful detail for her slack-jawed readers/viewers.

  3. "she has to point out the parts that are supposed to be 'funny' and spell it out in painful detail"

    hers are the type that laugh at a joke three times: once when you tell it, once when you explain it and once when they finally get it.

