Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Dear Matthew:

I, and all of your commenters, have not a hot fucking clue where you’re going with this post. Which, by the way, is unbelievably incoherent ... even for you. Could you please provide a detailed explanation and/or a description of the actual point you were trying to make? Thanks bunches.

Your perpetually amused reader,

P.S. A “Preview” button would also be super.


  1. Wow. That's .. ummm ... I have no idea how to classify that?

  2. Cryptic, to be sure. I wonder if he'll bother to enlighten everybody.

  3. Maybe he actually forgot where he was going with it, and just stopped writing.

    Every time I read it, it gets funnier.

  4. Your post, Lulu, implies that posts from Matthew and the rest of the drooligans at The Politic ever have a point to begin with. That's simply not the case nor will it ever be the case.

    Therefore your question is tantamount to walking outside, picking up a stone and asking what is the point of it. There isn't one. The stone is simply there and is nothing more than a pointless part of the landscape that makes up our world.

    And so it is with Matthew and the Politic. They are simply there and are nothing more than a pointless part of the landscape that makes up our world.

  5. He has it filed under "Amusing" but that doesn't seem to offer any clue.

  6. Maybe he misread it as 30,000 years ago.

    Or maybe he's just a dolt.
