Monday, March 24, 2008

Small Dead Souls


The Steve Harper Party of New Canada is brought to you by crazy people, revisionists and the holocaust chucklers at SDA. Available at


  1. There's no way I could run a proper political blog like this one.

    I'm much, much too easily overloaded with shock and horror. How do you even BEGIN to engage people this profoundly stupid and deluded?

  2. Providing government-run daycare=firing up the ovens?

    Yeah right, KKKate. But your hatred and contempt for First Nations doesn't equal racism?

    Amazing how you can make words mean anything you want to? The connections and disconnections you can make.

    Too bad for you that normal people use words the way they were intended.

  3. It seems that even a few Blogging Tories have FINALLY been roused from the dull slumber to take note of the growing toxic cesspool in their backyard.

  4. RT:

    Which Blogging Tories would those be? Got any links?

  5. From the comments: "There is no one as intolerant as a lieberal." I'm sure "Bubba" didn't even mean it ironically, which makes it that much sweeter.

    As for Kate's post, well, she's below the intellectual level of Jonah Goldberg now. I wonder what it's like, way down there.

  6. At first I thought that this was really a surprising sort of admission for Ilsa She-Wolf Of the Prairie, but then I thought long and hard about her posts about "Japs", Indians, Muslims, Angolans, Katrina victims, etc... and I realized there is nothing really surprising about Kate making this post.

    It's the logical conclusion of her wholly intentional bigotry. Think about all the crazy stuff she has written in the past.

    All we need is for Kathy Shaidle to come out swinging in defence of this, for Ezra Levant to rationalize it, for the herd of winged monkeys to start spraying their rationalizations for the sentiment expressed in this Post and really it's just a "Business As Usual In Blogging Toryville"

  7. Think about all the crazy stuff she has written in the past.
    I'm sure her Adsense meter is spinning like a windmill.

    All we need is for Kathy Shaidle to come out swinging in defence of this,for Ezra Levant to rationalize it
    They want their Adsense share too.

    the herd of winged monkeys to start spraying their rationalizations
    Shills at a carnival, to convince the marks there is something important going on.
