Saturday, March 29, 2008

Oh. My. God.

Five Feet of Crazy™ has found a new way to beg for support ... I mean a new money-making venture to hump and it’s a winner.

Thanks for all the Top Spot luv, guys!
Wow, there's been an amazing response to my new ad format, the Top Spot link display at the right.

And why not? You get a highly visible link from my 3000 uniques/day blog for a whole week, for only $10!

If there's a delay in your order appearing, it won't be a long one. I have to approve the link requests before they appear.

If you get a good response traffic wise from your ad with me, I hope you'll consider making the Top Spot link an ongoing part of your traffic building plan.

And everybody else: please visit our advertisers! Thanks.

Only $10? What a bargain! No, really — as in bargain basement.

That’s just beyond sad. Would someone just give her a hat and a corner so she can finally get down to some serious panhandling? Come on, no more fucking around (it’s not Monday yet, so there), Five Feet. Put your begging where your endlessly blathering mouth is.


  1. Patrick - take note. Remember our comments about the impact of certain kinds of blogging on your career prospects?

    Know how long Kathy has been out of work?

    Care to count the number of increasingly desperate appeals for money, in various guises, on her site?

  2. I never thought of that! Just think Patrick, you doughy prat, someday that could all be yours.

    You funny, Balby ...

  3. Wait...this could be used to our advantage here on the lefty side of things.
    Why not have ONLY left-wing blogs buy out the Top Spot? I think it'd pop a few heads to see Canadian Cynic advertised on 5FoC.
    Then the Galloping Beaver, then Dr. Dawg, then Red Tory, then...

    You honestly think Katie would turn down the $10 because she dislikes your blog? She's broke.

  4. Yeah, but then they'd be supporting her to "write" some more.

  5. If she is collecting money on her blog, it is now a business. If it is a business you cannot collect employment insurance. Don't you just hate it when people 'like that' scam the system. Hard working Canadians paying into a fund while 'these people' sit at home, in front of their computers, too lazy to get off their fat asses to get that good paying job at Tim Horton's. Just saying....

  6. give her a hat and a corner so she can finally get down to some serious panhandling?

    You're being much too kind to her, Lulu. I would go with, 'Here's an eyepatch and a paper cup.'

  7. Or some dark glasses and a white cane? Then she'd have the added bonus of having Better-Than-Ezra mock her.

  8. Naw, better idea. A tin cup, collar around her neck, a fez, and a chain attaching her to an Anne Coulter look-alike organ grinder.

  9. Luv it, balbulican! (although in general I mean no offense to monkeys.)

  10. I was thinking about this (for like half a second).. wasn't one of her digs that no one from the left would come to her talk because we're all too poor?

    And yet she doesn't have a job and has accepted grant money?


  11. Yep. That's right Cam Cam, but IOKIYAC.

  12. She's also been on a medical disability which makes her, in her own words, a "welfare bum". But that is, of course, completely different.

  13. I work hard at my job for my money. I'm not going to pay $10 to pimp my blog for some right wing charity case who's already getting my hard-earned tax dollars. She'll have to finance her cheesburger picnic habit without my additional help.

  14. I still can't understand the mentality of people like Shaidle who get a kick out of being vilified all the fact, who go out of their way to be vilified. And why does she insist on inviting vilification based on something so unevolved as her bigotry and her hate? It's not original, it's not significant and it's not even brave.

    Oh well. Maybe TVO's The Agenda will do an episode on that kind of thing and invite me on to explain it.

  15. "A tin cup, collar around her neck, a fez, and a chain attaching her to an Anne Coulter look-alike organ grinder."


    Oh no... photoshop beckons. Must. Resist. Temptation.

  16. OK, it's official. She's Five Feet of Got An Extra Quarter.

  17. I've been doing nothing but blogging since I lost my job two years ago. I was denied unemployment compensation, so I burned some savings before I got on my feet (sorta). But I never asked strangers for money... and links are not worth $520 a year, so that's really just asking for money. If you can type and put some real effort into it, you can earn money doing this.

  18. but but but! Wingnut welfare is different!

  19. JJ, quoting Babulican, said:"A tin cup, collar around her neck, a fez, and a chain attaching her to an Anne Coulter look-alike organ grinder."


    Oh no... photoshop beckons. Must. Resist. Temptation.

    Truly, this looks like a job for Zorpheus!

  20. And ditto what Southern Quebec said -- if she is earning money off the blog, shouldn't someone tell the pogey people?

  21. Well there is a percentage of your payment that you can make on a weekly basis and still be considered unemployed, but you're meant to declare it to the pogey people.

    Actually that does beg a question doesn't it, if she's selling books for money....
