Thursday, February 21, 2008

Your daily Politic fuckery.

Over at the He-Man Woman Hater's Club and Travelling Salvation Show, Matthew's bestest friend forever Shane is not happy about the cheapening of civil discourse these days:

My opinion: swearing in public discourse is much the same as a computer swinging a whifflebat. It takes an otherwise intelligent and thoughtful person and makes him look like an uneducated clown.

Um ... no, Shane ... this is what makes someone look like an uneducated clown.

I'm glad we had this little chat.


  1. "a computer swinging a whifflebat"?

    What the hell does that even mean?


  2. "a computer swinging a whifflebat"?

    What the hell does that even mean?

    By Blogger Chet Scoville, at 2:20 PM

    Duh... Obviously he's trying to show us what an uneducated clown looks like by making bullshit nonsensical analogies.

  3. Actually, I'm sure Shane thinks this is an intelligent and thoughtful witticism from someone who is offended by swear words. He is, of course, sadly mistaken.


  4. Actually, I'm sure Shane thinks this is an intelligent and thoughtful witticism from someone who is offended by swear words. He is, of course, sadly mistaken.

    By Blogger LuLu, at 2:52 PM

    Fuckin' A

  5. You're fucking right, e.

  6. Interesting. I'm sure I just saw Matthew post a long rationalization at the end of that thrashing he took over the PZ Myers post, but a few minutes later it seems to have vanished. Anyone else see that?
