Friday, February 22, 2008

With Peter, self-awareness is apparently optional.

Peter Csillag -- the Blogging Tories' own "Mr. Eugenics" -- takes another shot at selling the notion that bad people shouldn't be allowed to pollute the gene pool he likes swimming in:

The philosophy is basic; when one cannot govern themselves accordingly and legally, they suspend their right to reproduce and parent in society to the state. It's good to think that those who can't possibly raise good children wouldn't do so: the mentally imbalanced, drug dealers, prostitutes, etc. Rather than have unwanted children filling up orphanages and being given into cycles of despair and misery... well, we wouldn't have them at all.

Actually, Peter has a point here -- why produce "unwanted" children if there's a way to prevent that? In fact, I think that has potential for a dynamite marketing campaign. Now we just need a snappy slogan to go with it. Something pithy, something catchy, maybe something with a punchy meter to it. What might that possibly be?

If I think of something, I'll get back to you.


  1. "when one cannot govern themselves accordingly and legally, they suspend their right to reproduce and parent in society to the state. It's good to think that those who can't possibly raise good children wouldn't do so"

    mentally unbalanced? according to what standard? personally, i'd consider stockwell day mentally unbalanced. the absolute belief in fairy tales and impossible alternate realities would seem to qualify. maintaining such ludicrous notions in the face of all evidence speaks to mania bordering on delusion. get those kids out of the wet suits and hand 'em off to the 'state' where they can be raised in a loving creche.

    and who is this dork to declare that the sins of the parents are necessarily the sins of the child. my sister married a biker with a very sketchy history when she was quite young. they had two daughters before she ditched his drunk, dope dealing, abusive ass. both those girls hold executive positions and are this hemisphere's model of success.

    oh well, the blogging tories can cozy up to storm front and never understand why they have less than zero credibility. what a bunch of retardoholics.

  2. It's complete asses like this that prevent society from actually addressing something like population control (a complete and total long term necessity, for environomental reasons) in a civil and reasonable way. Some days, I fear they realize this, and are actively plotting the destruction of future generations (see also: climate change, military spending).

    And where are these orphanages filling up with unwanted children? Maybe it's just my ignorance showing, but I don't hear much about orphanages in the news...

  3. Yeah, I thought all the unwanted children were being aborted, thus robbing society of an endless supply of future Jesuses (Jesi?).

  4. Does Peter have children? If not, then I suggest he put his loathsome principles into action and get himself voluntarily sterilized because it seems quite evident that, by any reasonable standard, he's "unbalanced" and shouldn't be allowed to reproduce.

  5. "they suspend their rights..."

    What a lovely demonstration of a modern conservative mindset. Let's unpack that:

    - Rights are conditional. If we don't like you, we find it perfectly acceptable that you no longer have said rights. You're just lucky we're not "suspending" your right to live altogether.

    - But we won't be the ones suspending your rights - you're doing it to yourself. YOU will "suspend your rights". It's the passive tense, like "mistakes were made". Not our fault - your rights "were" suspended because some of your countrymen behaved badly.

    I'm sure the victims of Katrina would find such phrasing familiar, as would Iraqi civilians, Cubans suffering under the US blockade, etc.
