Monday, February 25, 2008

Stupid always finds its own level, doesn't it?

Over at SDA, "Canada's Best Blogger" passes the baton to Jason Apuzzo's Liberty Film Festival for the evening histrionics. Um, that would be this Jason Apuzzo.

Yes, apparently Jason knows as much about movies as Kate does about climate change. Not that that should surprise anyone.


  1. So i'm perusing the 'live oscar blogging' of Jay's and I come across this--
    7:12 — You know what, I’m glad little Miss Julie -Close Gitmo- Christie lost. Acting like a anti-American pig on the red carpet waving her little Canadian flag (White, right?) and bitching about Gitmo… She can kiss our terriorist killing, UN hating, Iraq invading, Red White and Blue ass as she goes home empty-handed hoping she someday scores an HONORARY Oscar. See ya in Canada Julie– unless, of course you decent decent healthcare
    Besides the slip-up with the double decent, implying that the US of A has better healthcare than Canada? Yeah, I know of a dead young California woman who needed a liver transplant that would beg to differ--if she were alive.

  2. On an interesting note--right now I'm able to click on the link to SDA directly from CC's post. Either the blocked linking was accidentally dropped, or SDA wants more traffic from CC.
    Either way, we can read all the surpassingly ignorant tripe directly instead of cuttin' and pastin'

  3. "On an interesting note--right now I'm able to click on the link to SDA directly from CC's post."

    kkkate had some trouble with her isp recently. maybe she had to re-boot, and in doing so, lost all her bans and blocks. but thanks for the heads up; i just checked, and i'm no longer banned. play time!

