Saturday, December 29, 2007

Shorter Misogynistic Ass Monkey.

Next time, I guess she’ll leave the fucking keys where she’s supposed to, huh? Oh wait, she’s dead ... guess not.

Proving once again, when mocking death, IOKIYABT.

Update. I realize that Cheryl over at TGB has already addressed this but I don't think the Ass Monkey's spittle-flecked misogyny, or his pathetic attempt at justification, can get nearly enough play. Remember, this is why we mock them.


  1. Neo-cunt's pulling his pud over the deaths of black Torontonians again?

    Quelle surprise.

  2. Now he's trying to extricate himself by suggesting he was making a completely different point.

    All the while an FMJ round stares back at you.

    His excuse might actually be believable coming from somewhere else.

  3. This, I put there:
    - - -
    mikmik said...

    tell me, ti-guy... you kiss your life partner with that mouth?


    You're such a potty breath, yuk, yuk - can you imagine 'she sure won't do that again' THE WIT!

    I'll say that at your mother's funeral.
    - - -
