Monday, December 31, 2007

Now that's some killer irony, don't you think?

Um ... quoi?

it's always the lunatic left who are willing to censor and delete comments here in the blogosphere.

As the clue train goes chugging off into the distance and Neo is left standing on the platform once again.


  1. I thought it was acceptable practice on the right to alter comments left on blogs to make it look like people were agreeing with you, or to bolster an argument when losing.... at least that's how Kate McMillan and the Shotgun were doing things....

    Thing that make ya go Hmmmmmmm

  2. i swayed the whole shitload at SDA. I did it.
    She bitched about NAOL guages.

    I made fun of that, then I showed another reason she fucked right up.

    The very next comment agreed with me.
    She commented to me and said not to use so many links or I might get stopped from the spamrobot.

    That is all she said. My post is still there, as are the rest of the commenters that agreed with me.

    I said that that fucking insipid pic was not a temp device. I exposed the fanatic.

    I said that what the fuck ever temp devices said, that the glaciers was less.

    Those fuckers agreed with me in the rest of the comments.

    What does that feel like. SHe talked to me, and i swayed her folk. At once.

  3. And who the hell thinks this--
    "The idea that The New York Times is giving voice to a guy who is a serious, respected conservative intellectual "
    William "The Bloody" Kristol is a serious, respected conservative intellectual?? In whose mind (besides his own--oh, and FOXNoise)??
    Every time I see him in an interview outside the FOX studios, he gets eviscerated--a 10 year old can counter his talking points easily.
    I think I'll fo watch some YouTube vids of Kristol on The Daily Show...

  4. I thought it was acceptable practice on the right to alter comments left on blogs to make it look like people were agreeing with you, or to bolster an argument when losing.

    Of course it is acceptable practice. It's also acceptable practice to then turn around and be a total hypocrite about it and accuse them of censoriousness.
