Saturday, November 24, 2007

Joanne (True Blue) -- Down the memory hole.

I swear, I've never seen anyone so cavalier about just disappearing embarrassing blog posts, or the embarrassing portions thereof, as we can see here where JoJo's original headline accusing Red Tory of purveying "lies" (note the actual URL) has been quietly replaced with, well, most of you aren't Blogging Tories so you can read it for yourselves.

"'Liar'?", JoJo will now ask innocently, fluttering her eyelashes, "Why, darlin', I never called him a 'liar.' Whatever do you mean?"

And JoJo settles quietly another inch or two into the cesspool of dishonesty she's dug for herself.

P.S. And JoJo accusing others of being purveyors of untruths, misinformation and sloppy journalism? I swear, if my heart were any weaker, the irony would strike me dead.

P.P.S.: You have to love the appalling lack of grace with which JoJo "accepts" RT's apology: "Red Tory - Purveyor of Untruths, misinformation and sloppy journalism - Apology accepted." The relentless, childish classlessness of so many of the Blogging Tories reminds one of a saying by author Eric Hoffer:

"What monstrosities would walk the streets were some people's faces as unfinished as their minds."

Quite so, Eric ... quite so.


  1. Might I add that it’s not terribly “Christian” behaviour on her part. Or maybe it is.

  2. "'Liar'?", JoJo will now ask innocently, fluttering her eyelashes, "Why, darlin', I never called him a 'liar.' Whatever do you mean?"

    it'd be a tough sell....


  3. Ah, yes. I forgot about her running around different blogs telling people I was a liar during the three hour period before I saw her complaint DEMANDING an apology.

    What a wanker, eh? I mean... three hours.

