Tuesday, October 23, 2007

SHRRIIIEEEEKKKKK!!!! Never mind, we're good here.

Come for the panic-inducing headline, stay for the anti-climatic epiphany.


  1. I did like the emo-conservative description of her in comments.

  2. OMG it's used in pesticides!!!1!1 Why are they trying to feed my children pesticides!!!!!!1!111!!!2!!ONE!

  3. I was just wondering how I just hit a new record in traffic spikes. Question answered. I'd say your relationship with BT is fairly symbiotic in this regard. We provide the hyperbolic commentary, and you provide the indignant outrage and scores of readers.

  4. Since I am the only one to have expressed anything approximating outrage, I fear I am the culprit here for your misapprehension, Raphael. You appear to have missed my meaning -- shrewdly concealed, as it was, behind a subtle and cagey attempt at sarcasm. No doubt the number of exclamation points led to the misunderstanding. However, I assure you the were superfluous and indicated not outrage, but irony.

    Apologies for the confusion.

  5. M@, you are such a prick. And I mean that in the most complimentary sort of way.

    Raphael. Don't look now, but anything with the brand name KY will blow the doors off anything you give your kids... and who knows where that ends up.

  6. (Dave -- much appreciated. Always happy to make with the prickery.)
