Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Let's not contaminate a good rant with accuracy.

Shorter Blogging Tory Frank Hilliard: "And when I learn how to spell 'Godwin's Law' properly, why, my logic will be even more devastating."

AFTERSNARK: Watching poor Frank getting his nads handed to him and not even realizing it, well, you know where you've seen that before:


  1. I liked the part at the end of Frank’s impotent death-spiral where he’s left cursing the blind from the depths of his whimpering puddle of idiocy.

  2. I don't think I've ever seen so many words spent to achieve a total argument of 'neener neener neener'. I wonder how Irshad Manji would feel if she knew that her work was being used to prop up such a pile of toot. Though it is interesting to see a left wing, lesbian, Moslem cited as an authority in the scribbling of a terrified right wing goober. I hope poor Frank has invested wisely and replenished his supply of plastic sheeting and duct tape. They're coming, they're almost here. Be ascared.

  3. Wow, Lorrie Goldstein made a chump out of old Frank and he thinks he won? That's just amazing. Totally believable, but amazing nonetheless.

  4. So everyone who doesn't believe the same as me is evil and wants to kill me?

    I knew those damn Christians were out to get me!

  5. I wonder if Lorrie Goldstein is aware that his fan-base is made of people like Frank?

    Oh, the humiliation!

    I wonder how Irshad Manji would feel if she knew that her work was being used to prop up such a pile of toot.

    Since that's often the case, she must know. I don't think she really cares, though.

  6. Lorrie Goldstein, such a smorgasbord of leftist thought,....

    LOL, there you have it, when you are a rightwinger and someone disagrees with you, revert to the old "Leftist" insult. Mr. Goldstein isn't exactly a Leftist by any stretch of the imagination. I would call him a hard rightwinger either, but he is Right of center, I think that would be fair.
