Sunday, October 28, 2007

Got water?

In climatalogical news, well, it's not like a number of us haven't been warning about something like this for a while:

U.S. Could See a Water Shortage
Friday, Oct. 26, 2007

(West Palm Beach, Fla.) — An epic drought in Georgia threatens the water supply for millions. Florida doesn't have nearly enough water for its expected population boom. The Great Lakes are shrinking. Upstate New York's reservoirs have dropped to record lows. And in the West, the Sierra Nevada snowpack is melting faster each year.

Across America, the picture is critically clear - the nation's freshwater supplies can no longer quench its thirst.

The government projects that at least 36 states will face water shortages within five years because of a combination of rising temperatures, drought, population growth, urban sprawl, waste and excess.

In other news, I'm sure Kate and her screeching, mouth-breathing howler monkeys have a picture of another temperature gauge somewhere. 'Cuz, well, it's just what they do, ya know.


  1. Well... here in Fatlanta we just switched to beer instead of water and everything seems just fine.

    Panic Monkeys.

  2. Actually, the Great Lakes are not shrinking; they are being drained.

    It's being done in the St. Clair River. They keep dredging it so ocean-going vessal scan get through. What also gets through is more water than Mother Nature ever intended.

  3. KKKate doesn't have to worry. No one's going to invade Saskatchewan (or Alberta) for the water those provinces don't have.

  4. KKKate doesn't have to worry. No one's going to invade Saskatchewan (or Alberta) for the water those provinces don't have.

    By Ti-Guy, at 12:02 PM

    No we only invade countries made up mostly of brown people. Unless you tell some Bushie you have oil. Then it's On!
