Monday, October 08, 2007

Even Bible-whomping SDA whackjobs have their limits, ya know.

Shrieking, deranged Canadian Catholic Kathy Shaidle discovers (no doubt to her surprise) that even Kate's regular, drooling audience members have had enough of her.

SDA readers maxing out on hate? What is the blogosphere coming to?


  1. I guess SDA readers don't think there's anything wrong with animal abuse.

  2. That's quite the amusing little catfight going on there...

    In asking people to ignore Dobson and suggesting that this is all part of a "liberal establishment trap" (where does she come up with this stuff?), Kathy seems to be overlooking Richard Viguerie's considerable influence behind the scenes.

  3. I tried to figure out what the issue was, but with a chain of links starting with SDA featuring "Five Feet of Trichomoniasis" continuing to TownHall featuring yet another blond nazi just got too wearying. And following the discussion at SDA itself was no help, what with all the grunting...

    So, fuck 'em....hard.

  4. From what I managed to read (before my brain began to refuse vehemently to continue being exposed to such tripe), it looks like most of Ms. Shaidle's readers are even more the religious fundamentalists than she apparently is, therefore not accepting her implied critique of Christian fundamentalist leader Dobson and consequently defending him passionately.

    Which is hilariously ironic, eh?

  5. Kathy Shaidle who sets about to be "representin'" Catholicism, as the "Relapsed Catholic" is in a bit of a pickle on two counts.

    1. She has declared that while she wants to get married to her boyfriend, she does not, absolutley will not have children. (It has something to do with her watching the movie "It's Alive") - Catholic doctrine and teachings hold to the belief that sex, and particularly maritial sex is specifically for the act of procreation...

    2. Her boyfriend Arnie is seeking an annulment for his first marriage. This is just plain weird since his first marriage was a civil ceremony, and doesn't count in the eyes of the Catholic Church. Nonetheless - Kathy has blogged about all the hassels she and her boyfriend have been having with getting an annulment.

    Stuff isn't adding up here.

    If you ask me, the blogworld should be calling Kathy Shaidle "The Cherry Picking Relapsed Catholic"

  6. Whatever Kathy is, she's not unintelligent (...just nuts). She's about to find out just how truly ignorant and closed-minded her little fundy friends really are.

    I'm hearing contemptuous accusations of Papist already.

  7. Anyone else have a hard time following the link posted here? I kept getting a 403, so I just copied the link and pasted it in directly. Got there. Whew. What a fine read. Thanks.

  8. SDA (and no-libs) blocks referrals from this site.

  9. Yes, that would be the "courage" of the Canadian Right in action. As I've said before, if you step outside and breathe deeply, you can smell the fear-infused urine all the way from here.
