Saturday, September 15, 2007

Unrepentant in the Great White North.

So, it's been a whole day since Blogging Tory and howlingly-inept Boy Detective Steve Janke levelled accusations of fiscal impropriety against Stephane Dion, only to have said accusations blow up in his face. No worries, though -- it's not like Steve is in any danger of learning anything or doing the right thing since, over at the original septic tank of an article, Janke still hasn't so much as acknowledged the evisceration of his entire argument.

Oh, wait ... I stand corrected, as we have this buried halfway down in the comments section from the Wankster himself:

Ironically, the anonymous Liberals are probably right. This probably is nothing.

Attaboy, Steve -- accuse on page 1, sheepishly retract on page 39. Your Blogging Tory accountability in action.

1 comment:

  1. "Ironically, the anonymous Liberals are probably right."


    Maybe "awkwardly" would have been better. Or "clearly". The word "probably" could also go, I suppose, but now I'm asking way too much.
