Monday, September 24, 2007

Facts can be such inconvenient things.

Over at "Dust My Broom," Darcey is getting into some serious dick-swinging as he gleefully quotes Rudy Giuliani:

“We will not allow a nuclear Iran. Period. We will work with our allies and use every tool at our disposal to stop Iran from becoming a nuclear power. That is not a threat. It’s a promise. Iran is the leading state-sponsor of terrorism, ...

And now, for a pop quiz: From which country did 15 out of 19 of the 9/11 terrorist hijackers originate? Take your time, we wouldn't want to rush you or anything.


  1. Canada? Yes, I'm sure it was Canada. I hear every two years or so from some public figure that the 9/11 terrorists came to the US through Canada.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I believe it was Canada; in fact, I'm sure it was Canada.

  4. I'm sure it begins with an S. But no, Canada doesn't begin with an S. What am I thinking?

  5. Oh heavens, everyone knows it was Canada. Just ask Bill O'Reilly.

  6. Just ask Hillary Clinton. You don't have to reach that far down to find important people who still believe the 9/11 terrorists came to the US through Canada.

  7. I think that the answer is Venezuela.

  8. Actually I'm going to change my answer to 'Michael Moore'.
