Thursday, September 20, 2007

Blog rankings by incoming links.

A favour if you would. I know that, in my travels, I've seen blog rankings that are based on the number of incoming links. Where would I find that? I'd like to do some calculations for particular blogs based on that, but I don't recall where I once ran across it. Muchos gracias.


  1. truth laid bear? technorati?

  2. As Rosie said, there's technorati. There's also this kinda cute little app, "How much is your blog worth" which is based on technorati scores. Unfortunately, technorati misses a lot of links for whatever reason.

  3. If you use Firefox, you can download Search Status which shows incoming links and lots more.

  4. Alexa also provides information on this. I have no idea what significance it has. I presume it's good somehow.

  5. truth laid bear ranks by incoming links, which why the top sites there are the conservative sites - have you ever been to a conservative blog that didn't link to Malkin or Glen Reynolds or some other high-profile, low-brow Ayn Rand-reading feces flinger at least twice a week?
    blogshares is just a goofy stock market game, it doesn't really measure much at all -- the initial valuation of a blog is based on links (I think) but then subject to "market forces" and buggering around with the system by splitting shares, forcing takeovers etc etc -- a fun game, but it doesn't tell you much about the amount of traffic or links to a blog, other than listing site that are part of blogshares.
