Thursday, August 23, 2007

Agent provocateur open thread.

Busy day ahead, so leave comments related specifically to breaking developments, m'kay?


  1. CBC is now covering this on TV and radio:

  2. About time. They didn't say a thing on their news site until after yesterday's press conference.

    Stupid liberal media!

  3. Why has the Sûreté du Québec not explained what happened to the three it detained? Why can't they be forced to explain that or at least have the opportunity to lie about it?

  4. I'd assume that it has something to do with privacy. I doubt you can demand that a police force give you the names of everyone it detains but doesn't charge.

  5. I admit this looks very bad for the cops. I also can't believe this story is dying. Why isn't the media asking more questions?

    I won't go as far as some folks and assert that this incident is proof that cops do this on a regular basis, but it certainy throws the integrity of the QPP into doubt.

    And sorry, I would have written a long post about this, but sometimes other duties besides blogging calls, ok? :p

  6. So.....

    Is there a video of the incident that we haven't seen?*

    New wrinkle at my place.

