Friday, July 20, 2007

How fucking stupid is Steve Janke?

This fucking stupid:

The disappearance of Liberal money in the federal riding of Elgin-Middlesex-London has prompted their rivals to make political hay...

A Conservative party blogger has suggested the same official tried to cover up the disappearance of nearly $15,000 from local coffers rather than involve police, thereby "trying to fend off another Liberal party scandal." ...

Conservative blogger Steve Janke said it appears Pretlove tried to protect his co-worker from prosecution by offering "to use funds which he controlled to bury the incident."

"I'd hate to think that David Pretlove knew about a crime and didn't report it," Janke wrote.

Hey, Steve ... refresh my memory ... how did that last incident of you accusing a Liberal of fiscal wrongdoing turn out? Oh ... right.

Is it worth trying to warn the London Free Press what kind of intellectual cesspool they're wading into here, or should we just buy some popcorn, sit back and watch the fun? Either way works for me.

: Dave gets into Janke's history as a total hack. Yes, it's a long read. Make yourself comfortable.

. As long as I can remember, the Blogging Tories have always maintained that they're an independent organization from the actual Conservative Party of Canada. And yet, that article refers to Janke as a "Conservative party blogger."

I'm not saying it means anything in particular, I just thought it was worth pointing out.


  1. Popcorn and beer. We'll need the beer.

    I believe Janke went all ga ga over "popcorn and beer" on Mike Duffy's CTV program one night.

  2. What is the mainstream media's obsession with the screwiest bloggers? Is it because they make it look good in comparison? Or make the entire blogosphere look amateurish and irrelevant?

  3. the question is whether he will have anything left to sue him for after the latest lawsuit ends
